Call numbers
with high confidence

Superlayer automatically understands the quality of the deals in your pipeline, and provides objective forecasts to monitor if you are moving the needle. Stop guessing, leverage data.

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What's the actual value of your pipeline?

We connect to your CRM in one click, pull all the data, and make it straightforward to consume. You deserve quality data to drive your strategy and best-in-class execution.

Conversion data history
Individual or team level analytics
No more spreadsheets
Data driven forecasts and insights

Data-driven forecasts & insights

Leverage automated forecasting and scenario planning to prepare for the unprepared and access to any insights

» Scenario analysis

» AI forecasts

» Quantitative insights on your team's performance

» Progress vs quota

The average tenure of a sales leader is 16 months - let's do better.

We help you drive your revenue process so that you can hit targets and forecast consistently.